Thursday, November 19, 2009

Precious, Part V

Precious update, as the details unfold:

At the Tim Burton $5000 a plate dinner. What I wouldn’t give to hear a convo between Prec and TB, on his big night.
Adam and Lew approach her, in ALL her purple taffeta glory. So much gay and so many bowties and sooo much taffeta in one conversation. Again, what I wouldn’t give to be in Prec’s head as the two ‘mos rattled off about how much they loved her and her movie. Adam also lies to (LIES TO!) Precious, telling her Lewie and he had gone to see the movie in Harlem. I mean, the day that Lew steps black patent leather penny loafer into Harlem is the day I stop dating alcoholics. I wish she would come to family dinner on Sunday nights, except Jules would probably slip up and call Stella Precious in front of human Precious.

Denny, see you in Jersey!









Friday, November 13, 2009

Denny, my Keats

Dear Denny,

“Bright Star” is about romance, and not the kind of romance I had with the California surfer-cum-documentary filmmaker le weekend passé. It is about the truest love that existed in 19th century England or probably ever ): the love between John Keats and his sassy, seamstress girl Fanny. I have never tried to kill myself because a boyfriend didn’t correspond with me because he was away on his summer rental with his bff, nor have I made my brother and sister fill the room with butterflies (dead or alive) to remind myself of my love. I am therefore convinced that I have never experience love at all and I will not settle until I find my own androgynous and tortured writer. It actually may not be that hard. Anyone who has seen this movie and not wept about it for hours, even days, I am totally convinced doesn’t have a feelings or even a soul. It makes me want to write poetry about my love for you, Den, but I know John Keats would say that women can’t write and I would probably agree.

Your Bright Star
Megan Marion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Precious Part II

Claire my precious is the new writer and, as per your request ML, I will formally introduce her (to you).

Like the real Precious, Claire grew up in NYC. In fact, not so far from Precious’ home in Harlem, Claire spent her formative years in the Upper West Side. Unlike the real Precious, Claire is skinny and without her father's children.

At 18, Claire moved to Middletown, CT to study at Wesleyan University, “majoring in boys.” Perhaps you remember, Denny, when Claire was convinced that you were in love with her? Well, I remember meeting Claire. She wanted to stab me in my face. Now we are neighbors and both love TV.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cheryl Lee Terry, my heart and soul!

Perhaps we should all consider the advice of Thomas Crum: “Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we can learn to dance on a shifting carpet.”

Dearest Denny Wenny,

Since I am now obsessed with the blogosphere, I thought I would share with you someone else out there who inhabits the cyberspace as well as my heartspace. Her name is Cheryl Lee Terry and you may have heard me talk about her every Monday of every week. She included the complicated and wondrous quote above in this weeks reading. She likes Leonard Cohen (so do I!), she tells me what days are just NOT going to be MY days, she inspires me with heartfelt lines from an array of influential individuals, sometimes Mr. Cohen himself, other times, poetic women such as Maya Angelou. And if you're feeling particularly in the mood for a challenge, she may even throw in a Zen koan to get your mind buzzing.

And Denny, let me just say that when you are truly in the dumps, when the rolling credits of FNL or HIMYM come up, when you text every person in your phone and they ALL ignore you, when you take that last bite of brownie and know that you just want more but can't have any more, just turn on your computer, search the site for your weekly Leo reading, and Cheryl Lee will guide you to the light.

Oh and did I forget that her motto is "Be the Change."??? I'm currently trying to decide the appropriate place to tattoo those words of wisdom onto my body. Perhaps on my heart?


your bestie

Friday, November 6, 2009

Just One of the Gang!

Dear Denny,

This first post goes out to you, babe! Last night, after a crazy black out night after two glasses of red wine with my dad and brother in "Soho," I rushed home and lit a candle, tucked myself into bed, put the US Weekly next to my pillow, and turned on my favorite night time companion: HIMYM!

Let's just put it this way: I laughed, I cried, I texted you, you didn't respond, I laughed some more, I texted you again, I smiled with my get the point. Now, some may think that having a date with the gang from How I Met Your Mother on a Thursday night is somewhat oh-i-don't-know pathetic. Others may be reminded that the last time I dedicated this kind of time and love to a friendly gang on screen was when I was depressed and hiding a bar here and a bar there of my favorite kind of chocolate next to my bed. Ah Felicity and Ben Covington, you guys really got me through a hard time and forever I will be reminded of you when I wake up with chocolate on my pillow and a bellyache!!

Anyway, back on track. Denny, last night when Barney and Ted were being best pals and really supporting each other by drinking, high-fiving, sitting in their booth, and flirting with dumb skanks, I was reminded of our friendship. Remember just the other night on Halloween, when we tried to flirt with the guy in the white t-shirt? We asked him innocently "what are you supposed to be"? Only to have him and his friend look at us and laugh hysterically and then turn their backs? Remember that Den? Well good thing we have each other! Dennis "legendary" Jones and Claire "says I love you on the first date" Typaldos!

Oh man, it's nice to be part of the gang!


Saint Clarice!

Even the poster gets me

Dear Den,

Today is a very big day for large black women and those of us that celebrate them. Second ONLY to the Maryl Streep/ Alec Baldwin romcom coming out in December, Precious is my most anticipated movie of the fall.

“Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious.” Precious is an overweigh teen from Harlem. I normally am not totally into fat people, but when they are overcoming huge emotional and societal obstacles I can’t help but sympathize.

In another world- Texas, I think- “a poor, oversized and under-educated teenager” is taken in by Sandra Bullock’s family. I have seen the preview three times, and I still cry when I see how the poor, oversized and under-educated teenager tells Sandra Bullock that he has never had a bed before. Since “The Proposal” I have decided that SB is the best actress maybe ever and I am certain this movie is going to earn her a well deserved nomination.

Denny, I cannot wait!
